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Superintendent's Office

Dr. Shawn Foster

Shawn Foster, Ed.D, is the superintendent of Orangeburg County School District. He came to Orangeburg with more than two decades of experience in school and district transformation. He served in varied educational leadership roles, beginning first as a school counselor at an alternative school-Whitlock Flexible Learning Center in Spartanburg, South Carolina. He served as an assistant principal at Dorman High School, then was named principal at Fairforest Middle School. During his second year there, the school’s performance rating improved from below average to average. In 2009, he transitioned to Whitlock Jr. High School and became principal of a school that, under his leadership, became recognized as a state “Turn Around School.” In just one year, the school’s academic performance improved in ALL grade levels, and student discipline referrals were reduced by 77%.

Prior to his service in Orangeburg, Dr. Foster was the Deputy Superintendent/Chief Officer of Operations and Student Services in Aiken County Public Schools, a role he held from 2015 until accepting the position to serve as our Superintendent in June of 2020. In his previous role, he oversaw Aiken’s departments of Facilities and Maintenance, Educational Technology, Student Services, Health Services, Transportation, Homebound, Counseling Services and Alternative Services, in addition to managing the oversite of the district’s bond referendums.

Facing the difficulties of the pandemic and embarking on a path forward, Dr. Foster has led a vast effort to keep students and staff safe while providing the highest levels of instruction for students. Despite the pandemic, Orangeburg County students have continued to excel in learning while launching new initiatives and programs that will advance the educational opportunities for our community’s students.  

Dr. Foster has a degree in Social Work from Livingstone College, an opportunity made possible by a full-athletic scholarship for football. He earned a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling from Webster University and subsequently enrolled at Columbia College, where he pursued a Master of Education Degree. In succeeding years of study, he earned a Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership and Administration from South Carolina State University right here in Orangeburg.

In 2016, he was named an Aiken Standard Young Professional to Follow, and is the proud recipient of the Inez M. Tenenbaum Leadership Award from the School Leadership Executive Institute for his belief in a team-first approach to leadership and strategic planning.

Shawn Foster, supt. of OCSD photo

Contact Dr. Foster

(803) 533-7924

Dr. Shawn Foster on Twitter

Tweets by fosteringocsd


Tina Lang
Executive Assistant
(803) 533-7930

Follow Our Success

It is with extreme excitement that I joined the Orangeburg County School District as Superintendent in July 2020. Together, our goal is to push the boundaries of public education and create an innovative learning environment that is highly relevant for ALL students, improve student success, and ensure the school district systems and processes function effectively and efficiently while supporting a new mission to ensure all students discover and develop their person, purpose and platform. I am convinced that we will do so through high quality educational experiences distinguished by a culture of collaboration, equity and inclusion; a creative learning environment with inspiring opportunities; and a commitment to nurture the academic, physical, social and emotional well-being of all. 

For more detailed information, please click on the image of my Entry Plan (July 2020), the January 2021 Update delivered mid-year (January 2021), the One-Year Update (June 2021), Two-Year Update (August 2022), Mid-Year 2022 Update (December 2022), Year in Review (December 2023), and the latest Year in Review (December 2024) to follow our progress as we work collaboratively with an uncompromising commitment to becoming the catalyst of innovation and excellence.

Cover of the Year in Review for 2023-24

Click to view: December 2024 Update

Superintendent Dr. Shawn Foster updated school board members, district staff, and the community on the district's progress on December 12, 2024. The detailed update is available by clicking on the words "December 2024 Update" above.

Dec. 2022 - Dec. 2023 Year in Review image

Click to view: December 2023 Update

Superintendent Dr. Shawn Foster updated school board members, district staff, and the community on the district's progress on December 14, 2023. The detailed update is available by clicking on the words "December 2023 Update".

Superintendent's 2022-23 mid-year in review image

Click to view: December 2022 Update

In December, 2022, Orangeburg's Superintendent Dr. Shawn Foster provided the school board and community with an update on progress in the district. The detailed update is available by clicking on the words "December 2022 Update".

Superintendent's 2021-22 year in review image

Click to view: Year-Two Update

Dr. Foster shared an update on the last school year at the Tuesday, August 9, 2022, school board meeting. Please click on the words "Year-Two Update" for the document. 

Superintendent's 2020-21 goals update image

Click to view: Year-One Update

On Tuesday, June 8, 2021, Orangeburg's Superintendent shared a comprehensive update on his year-one progress. The District's leader would say the work is just beginning, but also beams with pride discussing the last trip around the sun and how Orangeburg is navigating a new day for its school system amidst unprecedented changes to public education. Please click on the words "Year-One Update" for the document. 

Supt. entry plan update image

Click to view: January 2021 Update

In January, 2021, Orangeburg's Superintendent Dr. Shawn Foster provided the school board and community with an update on progress towards entry plan goals. The detailed update is available by clicking on the words "January 2021 Update".

Superintendent's entry plan image

Click to view: Superintendent Entry Plan

Dr. Foster's plans for transitioning into the school district and serving as our superintendent are detailed in his Entry Plan. The document was presented to the school board in summer of 2020, and guided his first year as superintendent. Please click on the words "Entry Plan" to be directed to  the document.

Get To Know Our Superintendent

Dr. Foster began his educational career in the late 1990s as an Intervention Specialist & Counselor at an Alternative School Dr. Foster has a Bachelor's in Social Work, Master's degrees in Counseling and Teaching, and his Doctorate in Administration. Dr. Foster is married and they have two school-aged children. Follow Our "super" @FosteringOCSD.

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