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Technology Department


The Technology Department of the Orangeburg County School District works with the district’s educators to provide the tools and training they need to successfully integrate technology into the classroom. The department also provides technical support to district personnel for hardware and software.

Orangeburg County School District provides classroom access to iPads, Chromebooks, laptops and desktops. While hardware is an important component to the district’s technology services, the technology department also heavily invests in teacher training through technology based professional development, ensuring that all of the district’s teachers are able to effectively engage students using technology.

Contact Us

photo of Taphnie Sanders, directory of Technology

Mrs. Taphnie B. Sanders
Director of Technology

Device Repair

We urge all students to take great care with their district-provided devices. Should your device need repair, please contact your school's media specialist

Use of Technology Policy

Click on the following link Acceptable Use Policy

IJNDB - Use of Technology Resources.pdf 131.68 KB (Last Modified on June 21, 2021) 


Should you need assistance with technology please contact the technology helpdesk at
(803) 533-7981.

Trouble Ticket

Staff members should enter trouble tickets for technology support. Please note that the trouble ticketing system is for internal staff use only. Parents and students should call the helpline for assistance.

Click on the following link to place a trouble ticket, Enter Trouble Ticket