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Title 1

Title I - General Information
Title I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation's schools. The goal of Title I is to provide a high-quality education for every child. This program provides extra help for at-risk students. The federal government provides funding to states. States send money to school districts based on the poverty indexes. Title I serves children through schoolwide programs and targeted assistance programs. Programs may offer smaller classes, additional teachers and assistants, additional training for school staff, extra time for instruction, a variety of teaching methods and materials, counseling and mentoring, and/or career and college awareness.
Critical Program Elements:

  • Comparability,
  • Parent & Family Engagement,
  • Evaluation of services provided to students enrolled in private schools,
  • High-quality teachers and paraprofessionals,
  • Coordination of services for homeless students and students in the foster care system in all schools (Title I and non-Title I),
  • Needs assessment and program plan design,
  • Sanctions and support for schools identified for improvement.