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Gifted & Talented


What We Do

The Mission of the Orangeburg County School District GATE Program is:
To provide educational opportunities which maximize the potential of academically and artistically gifted students by offering specialized curricula and world-class experiences that are responsive to the students' unique learning and intellectual strengths.

State Board Regulation:


Purpose: The State Board of Education recognizes the need to provide gifted and talented education services to the identified students in grades one through twelve. These regulations provide the framework for the provision of these services. All regulations must be followed in order to qualify for state funding. In order to comply with the South Carolina Education Improvement Act of 1984, school districts must provide programming for all gifted and talented students at the elementary and secondary levels. These programming services will develop the unique talents of students.

To learn about South Carolina's identification process or how identified students are served in Orangeburg County School District, review the information below.  Also included is the GATE program's contact information as well as access to additional resources.

South Carolina's Department of Education defines gifted and talented students as those who are identified in grades one through twelve as demonstrating high performance ability or potential in academic and/or artistic areas. These students require an educational program beyond what is normally provided by the general school program in order to achieve their potential.
At the start of each academic year, Orangeburg County begins the screening and identification process. In order to be identified as academically gifted and talented in South Carolina, students must have a composite aptitude (reasoning ability) score at or above the 96th national age percentile OR meet two out of three dimensions of eligibility: aptitude (reasoning ability), academic achievement, or intellectual/academic performance. If you would like to learn more about the different assessments and when and to whom they are administered to determine state identified eligibility, contact our office.

Contact Us

photo of Priscilla Hollington

Priscilla Hollington
Coordinator of Gifted and Talented Programs
Coordinator of Magnet Academies
Phone:  (803) 534-8081, ext. 82307


South Carolina Consortium for Gifted Education

Gifted and Talented Application 2024 (deadline Sept. 13, 2024)




gifted & talented announcement

Applications are available at your child’s school and online. Click here to complete the application online. For additional information about GATE, contact the Gifted and Talented Office (803) 534-8081

gifted & talented announcement in spanish

Las solicitudes están disponibles en la escuela de su hijo y en línea. Haga clic aquí para completar la solicitud en línea. Para obtener información adicional sobre GATE, comuníquese con la Oficina de Dotados y Talentosos (803) 534-8081
