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Magnet Academics

Elementary School Magnet Academies

The Orangeburg County School District launched four elementary school magnet academies in the 2021-2022 school year. Current Magnet Academy offerings include Communication Arts at Edisto Elementary's Broadcasting and Journalism Academy (BAJA); the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) Academy at Holly Hill Elementary; Scholars Achieving Investigating and Learning (SAIL) with STEAM at Mellichamp Elementary; as well as Visual and Performing Arts at Marshall Elementary's STAGE Academy where students will take on arts and gifted education.

Magnet Academies provide opportunities for students to engage in traditional education combined with learning activities of unique interest to them, such as journalism, performing and visual arts, STEM project-based learning and more.

While space is limited, our Magnet Academy Programs are open to any rising third through fifth grade student in the county, including children zoned for one of our schools which has a magnet academy, as well as those zoned for other elementary schools in our district. OCSD's Magnet Academies serve students of varied academic skill levels. Students identified with “Gifted and Talented (GT) Services” are welcome to apply. Likewise, students who are not "state-identified GT" and students requiring additional academic support are also encouraged to submit an application.

Magnet Academies are offered at no cost to students' parents/ guardians. 

The Application Window for the 2025-2026 school year is now open. You can apply below:

Magnet Academies Application (English)  

Solicitud de Academias Magnet (español)

Students already enrolled in our district may complete the application online. Students who are new to our District must reach out to our Program Coordinator Priscilla Hollington at for details and information on enrollment.

Soda City Live - 1/31

Middle School Progression

Elementary magnet academy students will progress to the appropriate middle school to continue the pathway they began in elementary.

Middle schools will provide innovative courses and experiences for the rising 6th graders who will transition from their elementary magnet beginning in the 2022-2023 school year.  With each new school year, middle schools will continue to offer those theme/focus-based experiences for students.

BAJA magnet program students from Edisto Elementary will transition to Carver-Edisto Middle and continue their progression in journalism, broadcasting and drama.

Bulldog S.T.E.A.M Academy magnet program students from Holly Hill Elementary will continue their programmatic studies at Holly Hill-Roberts Middle and progress in the Gateway to Technology coursework there, with an emphasis on coding.

SAIL (Mellichamp) and STAGE (Marshall) magnet students will transition to the middle school at William J. Clark and deepen their learning with Robotics, Computer Science Discoveries, Video Production, Visual & Performing Arts.

Learn More About OCSD's Magnet Academies from Coordinator Priscilla Hollington


Elementary Magnet Academies

The BAJA Academy at Edisto Elementary School

Growing Great Minds through Communication at the Broadcasting and Journalism Academy. 

The Bulldog S.T.E.A.M. Academy at Holly Hill Elementary School

Striving to Enrich Active Minds through the authentic implementation of an accelerated curricula, enriched with real world experiences. 

The Students Taking on the Arts and Gifted Education (STAGE) Academy at Marshall Elementary School

Infusing arts-based education with the South Carolina College and Career Readiness Standards. 

The Scholars Achieving Investigating and Learning (SAIL) Magnet Academy at Mellichamp Elementary School

Preparing scholars to excel in an advanced academic pathway at S.A.I.L. with "full STEAM ahead."

Questions & Answers

Are Magnet Academies for "GT" students only? No. OCSD's Magnet Academies serve students of varied academic skill levels. Students identified for “Gifted and Talented (GT) Services” are welcome to apply. Likewise, students who are not "state-identified GT" and students requiring additional academic supports are also encouraged to submit an application. Will school bus transportation be provided? Yes. However, due to the critical shortage in bus driver staffing, transportation to sites across Orangeburg County may not be available. Students attend magnet academies from all sections of the district’s boundaries. Additionally, depending on the location of the student’s stop, and the route of the bus to pick up or drop off all magnet students, the bus ride may be lengthy. Contact the Gifted and Talented Coordinator to inquire if transportation is available from your child’s home school to a specific magnet academy. If accepted into a Magnet Academy, will my child spend all day, every day at the host school? Yes. Magnet Academy students will attend classes at the host school every day. I have more than one child attending school in the district. If only one of my children is accepted into a Magnet Academy, may my other child(ren) enroll at the academy host school? It is possible. Speak with the host school’s principal about enrolling your child(ren). Can my child withdraw from the Magnet Academy if he/she desires? Yes. A student may withdraw from a Magnet Academy once a parent conference and a review of the request take place. After the 45th day of school, magnet students are committed to complete the school year in the academy. Can qualifying students on the wait list be accepted into a Magnet Academy during the school year? This is a possibility. Placement would be based on the following considerations: timing in the school year; available academy seats; and current academic performance. If my child is accepted into a Magnet Academy, where do I complete registration for the upcoming school year? You will complete registration at your child’s home school. Where will Magnet Academy students receive technology devices? Students will receive their devices at the Magnet Academy host school. The host school will provide to the students all educational resources and materials they would normally receive at their home schools.