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How To Enroll / Enrolling in OCSD

We are pleased you have decided to enroll your child in an Orangeburg County School District school. We are, once again, offering online student registration and are pleased to be able to continue this time-saving service for families. Families who prefer, may obtain a paper registration packet from the school.

We aim to make the registration process as easy as possible for all families and are here to assist with any enrollment questions that you may have.

Click HERE to go to enrollment/registration.

Student Transfers and District Release Letters

All school choice applications, request for transfers and student release letters from the district will go through Dr. Teresa Jennings, Director of Early Childhood and Elementary Education, Dr. Veronica Scott, Director of Secondary Education and Dr. Erica Taylor, Assistant Superintendent for Communications and Business and Community Partnerships.  Please see their contact information below:

Dr. Teresa Jennings:
(803) 534-8081

Dr. Veronica Scott:
(803) 534-8081

Dr. Erica Taylor:
(803) 534-5454

Academic Links

General Resources


In 2022, the South Carolina General Assembly unanimously passed the South Carolina Child ID law. As a result of this law, OCSD families can request child identification kits through their school.
These kits provide families with a record of their child’s physical characteristics and fingerprints to help identify them in the case of an emergency. These inkless, at-home kits take less than two minutes to complete and are designed to be stored in a cool, dry, and safe place at home by parents/guardians.
These kits never enter a database and are designated to be stored by a parent or guardian at home. Participation is entirely voluntary.
Interested? Please fill out this form --> Child ID form

Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers.

High profile acts of violence, particularly in schools, can confuse and frighten children who may feel in danger or worry that their friends or loved-ones are at risk. They will look to adults for information and guidance on how to react. Parents and school personnel can help children feel safe by establishing a sense of normalcy and security and talking with them about their fears.

1.     Reassure children that they are safe. Emphasize that schools are very safe. Validate their feelings. Explain that all feelings are okay when a tragedy occurs. Let children talk about their feelings, help put them into perspective, and assist them in expressing these feelings appropriately. 

2.     Make time to talk. Let their questions be your guide as to how much information to provide. Be patient; children and youth do not always talk about their feelings readily. Watch for clues that they may want to talk, such as hovering around while you do the dishes or yard work. Some children prefer writing, playing music, or doing an art project as an outlet. Young children may need concrete activities (such as drawing, looking at picture books, or imaginative play) to help them identify and express their feelings.

3.     Keep your explanations developmentally appropriate.
  • Early elementary school children need brief, simple information that should be balanced with reassurances that their school and homes are safe and that adults are there to protect them. Give simple examples of school safety like reminding children about exterior doors being locked, child monitoring efforts on the playground, and emergency drills practiced during the school day.
  • Upper elementary and early middle school children will be more vocal in asking questions about whether they truly are safe and what is being done at their school. They may need assistance separating reality from fantasy. Discuss efforts of school and community leaders to provide safe schools.
  • Upper middle school and high school students will have strong and varying opinions about the causes of violence in schools and society. They will share concrete suggestions about how to make school safer and how to prevent tragedies in society. Emphasize the role that students have in maintaining safe schools by following school safety guidelines (e.g. not providing building access to strangers, reporting strangers on campus, reporting threats to the school safety made by students or community members, etc.), communicating any personal safety concerns to school administrators, and accessing support for emotional needs.

4.     Review safety procedures. This should include procedures and safeguards at school and at home. Help children identify at least one adult at school and in the community to whom they go if they feel threatened or at risk.

5.     Observe children’s emotional state. Some children may not express their concerns verbally. Changes in behavior, appetite, and sleep patterns can also indicate a child’s level of anxiety or discomfort. In most children, these symptoms will ease with reassurance and time. However, some children may be at risk for more intense reactions. Children who have had a past traumatic experience or personal loss, suffer from depression or other mental illness, or with special needs may be at greater risk for severe reactions than others. Seek the help of mental health professional if you are at all concerned.

6.     Limit television viewing of these events. Limit television viewing and be aware if the television is on in common areas. Developmentally inappropriate information can cause anxiety or confusion, particularly in young children. Adults also need to be mindful of the content of conversations that they have with each other in front of children, even teenagers, and limit their exposure to vengeful, hateful, and angry comments that might be misunderstood.

7.     Maintain a normal routine. Keeping to a regular schedule can be reassuring and promote physical health. Ensure that children get plenty of sleep, regular meals, and exercise. Encourage them to keep up with their schoolwork and extracurricular activities but don’t push them if they seem overwhelmed. 

Suggested Points to Emphasize When Talking to Children

  • Schools are safe places. School staff works with parents and public safety providers (local police and fire departments, emergency responders, hospitals, etc.) to keep you safe.
  • The school building is safe because … (cite specific school procedures).
  • We all play a role in the school safety. Be observant and let an adult know if you see or hear something that makes you feel uncomfortable, nervous or frightened.
  • There is a difference between reporting, tattling or gossiping. You can provide important information that may prevent harm either directly or anonymously by telling a trusted adult what you know or hear.
  • Although there is no absolute guarantee that something bad will never happen, it is important to understand the difference between the possibility of something happening and probability that it will affect you (our school community).
  • Senseless violence is hard for everyone to understand. Doing things that you enjoy, sticking to your normal routine, and being with friends and family help make us feel better and keep us from worrying about the event.
  • Sometimes people do bad things that hurt others. They may be unable to handle their anger, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or suffering from mental illness. Adults (parents, teachers, police officers, doctors, faith leaders) work very hard to get those people help and keep them from hurting others. It is important for all of us to know how to get help if we feel really upset or angry and to stay away from drugs and alcohol.
 • Stay away from guns and other weapons. Tell an adult if you know someone has a gun. Access to guns is one of the leading risk factors for deadly violence.
  • Violence is never a solution to personal problems. Students can be part of the positive solution by participating in anti-violence programs at school, learning conflict mediation skills, and seeking help from an adult if they or a peer is struggling with anger, depression, or other emotions they cannot control.

NASP has additional information for parents and educators on school safety, violence prevention, children’s trauma reactions, and crisis response at

©2016, National Association of School Psychologists, 4340 East West Highway #402, Bethesda, MD 20814


Talking to Children About a Shooting

The recent shooting has evoked many emotions—sadness, grief, helplessness, anxiety, and anger. Children who are struggling with their thoughts and feelings about the stories and images of the shooting may turn to trusted adults for help and guidance.

  • Start the conversation. Talk about the shooting with your child. Not talking about it can make the event even more threatening in your child’s mind. Silence suggests that what has occurred is too horrible even to speak about or that you do not know what has happened. With social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, text messages, newsbreaks on favorite radio and TV stations, and others), it is highly unlikely that children and teenagers have not heard about this. Chances are your child has heard about it, too.
  • What does your child already know? Start by asking what your child/teen already has heard about the events from the media and from Listen carefully; try to figure out what he or she knows or believes. As your child explains, listen for misinformation, misconceptions, and underlying fears or concerns. Understand that this information will change as more facts about the shooting are known.
  • Gently correct inaccurate information. If your child/teen has inaccurate information or misconceptions, take time to provide the correct information in simple, clear, age- appropriate language.
  • Encourage your child to ask questions, and answer those questions directly. Your child/teen may have some difficult questions about the incident. For example, she may ask if it is possible that it could happen at your workplace; she is probably really asking whether it is “likely.” The concern about re-occurrence will be an issue for caregivers and children/teens alike. While it is important to discuss the likelihood of this risk, she is also asking if she is safe. This may be a time to review plans your family has for keeping safe in the event of any crisis situation. Do give any information you have on the help and support the victims and their families are receiving. Like adults, children/teens are better able to cope with a difficult situation when they have the facts about it. Having question-and-answer talks gives your child ongoing support as he or she begins to cope with the range of emotions stirred up by this tragedy.
  • Limit media exposure. Limit your child’s exposure to media images and sounds of the shooting, and do not allow your very young children to see or hear any TV/radio shooting- related messages. Even if they appear to be engrossed in play, children often are aware of what you are watching on TV or listening to on the What may not be upsetting to an adult may be very upsetting and confusing for a child. Limit your own exposure as well. Adults may become more distressed with nonstop exposure to media coverage of this shooting.
  • Common reactions. Children/Teens may have reactions to this tragedy. In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, they may have more problems paying attention and concentrating.

They may become more irritable or defiant. Children and even teens may have trouble separating from caregivers, wanting to stay at home or close by them. It’s common for young people to feel anxious about what has happened, what may happen in the future, and how it will impact their lives. Children/Teens may think about this event, even when they try not to. Their sleep and appetite routines may change. In general, you should see these reactions lessen within a few weeks.

  • Be a positive role model. Consider sharing your feelings about the events with your child/teen, but at a level they can You may express sadness and empathy for the victims and their families. You may share some worry, but it is important to also share ideas for coping with difficult situations like this tragedy. When you speak of the quick response by law enforcement and medical personnel to help the victims (and the heroic or generous efforts of ordinary citizens), you help your child/teen see that there can be good, even in the mist of such a horrific event.
  • Be patient. In times of stress, children/teens may have trouble with their behavior, concentration, and While they may not openly ask for your guidance or support, they will want it. Adolescents who are seeking increased independence may have difficulty expressing their needs. Both children and teens will need a little extra patience, care, and love. (Be patient with yourself, too!).
  • Extra help. Should reactions continue or at any point interfere with your children’s/teens’ abilities to function or if you are worried, contact local mental health professionals who have expertise in trauma. Contact your family physician, pediatrician, or state mental health associations for referrals to such experts.

Talking to Children about a Shooting
National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Talking to children about a shooting.pdf

Helping Children Cope With Loss (English)

Helping Kids Cope With Loss .pdf 

Recursos Generales

Talking to Children About Violence (spanish)

Las familias y el personal escolar desempeñan una función fundamental en ayudar a restablecer una sensación de normalidad y seguridad en los niños después de que ocurre un acto de violencia. Siga estos recordatorios clave y visite para obtener más información.

Reafirmar la seguridad.
Haga hincapié en que las escuelas son muy seguras. Permita que los niños hablen sobre sus sentimientos y valide todas las reacciones manifestadas ante el suceso. Apoye las expresiones adecuadas de sus sentimientos y ayude a ponerlos en perspectiva.

Tómese tiempo para hablar
Permita que las preguntas formuladas por los niños orienten la información proporcionada. Tenga paciencia y busque indicios sobre los que el niño desee hablar. Es posible que los niños pequeños necesiten realizar actividades concretas (p. ej., juegos de imaginación) y algunos niños mayores prefieran escribir o tocar música.

Mantenga explicaciones adecuadas al nivel de desarrollo
Primeros años de la educación primaria
Proporcione información sencilla y equilibrada por una garantía de seguridad.
Últimos años de la educación primaria y primeros años de la educación media
Responda preguntas y ayude a separar la realidad de la fantasía.
Últimos años de la educación media y educación secundaria
Haga hincapié en el rol del estudiante en materia de seguridad y en cómo obtener apoyo.

Revisar los procedimientos de seguridad
Ayúdeles a los niños a identificar a un adulto en la escuela y la comunidad a quien puedan acudir en caso de sentirse amenazados o en riesgo. Revise los procedimientos y las medidas de seguridad en los entornos de la escuela y el hogar.

Observar el estado emocional de los niños
Algunos no se expresarán oralmente, pero los cambios en el comportamiento, el apetito o los hábitos de sueño pueden indicar ansiedad o estrés. Busque la ayuda de un profesional en salud mental para tratar a quienes tengan reacciones más intensas.

Siga una rutina normal
Mantenga un cronograma regular para asegurar y promover la salud física y mental. Foménteles mantenerse al día con sus tareas escolares y actividades extracurriculares, pero no los obligue si parecen agobiados. No permita que vean tanta televisión.

Para obtener mayor orientación, visite

© 2017 Asociación Nacional de Psicólogos Escolares

Talking_to_Children_About_Violence_spanish.pdf 77.81 KB (Last Modified on August 24, 2021) INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)

Formulario de Consentimiento Informado de servicios de salud mental

Formulario de Consentimiento Informado de servicios de salud mental

OCSD-Mental-Health-Services-Consent-Form_spanish.pdf 37.99 KB (Last Modified on November 16, 2020) INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)

Helping Children Cope With Loss (Spanish)

Helping Children Cope With Loss (Spanish)

Ayudando_a_los_Ninos_a_Sobrellevar_Una_Perdida.pdf 151.4 KB (Last Modified on November 16, 2020) INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)

KidsPeace Crisis Help

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Student Forms/Fact Sheet

Family FAQs