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IEPS & 504 Plans

Orangeburg hasn’t forgotten about our IEP and 504 plans amid the district consolidation.

Is your child on an IEP or a 504 plan? Are you concerned about continuity amid the district consolidation? Though you’re certainly not alone in your concerns, we can assure you we are taking care of all of the children throughout this transition, and our IEP and 504 students are no exception.

IEP and 504 Plans

The Orangeburg County Consolidation Committee spent eight months working to understand each of the three existing school districts to better create recommendations for the merger. Their recommendations included maintaining programs for students who are on or require an IEP or a 504 plan. Here’s what you can expect:


IEP stands for Individualized Education Program. The IEP program is designed to give students with disabilities the accommodations and services needed for them to succeed in school. Mandated by the IDEA or Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which is a federal law, it requires schools to provide these services to students who are eligible to receive them. If your child is eligible, you will work directly with a team at their school and within the Orangeburg County School District to develop an IEP that works for their needs.

The IEP is a document put together by the IEP team and the student’s parents to identify and describe what program to put in place to meet the student’s needs. The document serves to set goals for learning for your child as well as to define the services the school and the district will provide for them. It’s a process put in place that provides an avenue for discussing your child’s needs with teachers, staff, and administration while simultaneously creating a plan to meet their needs and give them the tools and resources to succeed.

504 Plan

Like an IEP, a 504 plan is an IDEA mandate. It differs from an IEP in that a 504 is related to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The goal is to eliminate discrimination of students with disabilities, whether physical, mental, or emotional. It helps protect their right to an education without exclusion from participation or denial of benefits from any school program. This means schools are required by law to provide those accommodations that make it possible for students with disabilities to participate in the education system and achieve academic success in the learning environment.

The Orangeburg County School District is committed to providing an environment where all students can learn, thrive, and succeed. If your child is on an IEP or 504 plan or you think they need evaluation for either, you can count on our administration, staff, and teachers to work with you to ensure the success of your child. Contact your child’s school for more information on all special education services provided by OCSD.